the secret to skyrocketing your productivity (it's not what you think!)

Issue #93 | July 20, 2024

Hey, Reader, it's Mark.

Have you ever felt like you work hard but don't quite hit the productivity level you want?

You're not alone.

Many people struggle to reach their full potential because they lack a key part of productivity.

Today, I will reveal that missing piece and show you how it can transform your work life.

The Golden Rule of Productivity

Here's the secret: To be the most productive version of yourself, you must do what you love, where you love to do it.

This simple yet profound principle can be a game-changer for your productivity. Let's break it down:

  1. Passion Over Talent. Surprising as it may sound, being good at something isn't enough. If you're excellent at farming but don't enjoy it, you'll never reach your peak productivity. The same goes for any profession. Actual productivity flourishes when you're passionate about your work.
  2. Embracing Entrepreneurship. For some, being your most productive self might mean leaving the 9-to-5 grind. If you feel constrained by conventional work structures, consider exploring entrepreneurship. Start by growing your side job while keeping your current job. Then, switch when it's right.
  3. Location Matters. Your environment plays a crucial role in your productivity. This might mean changing companies, cities, states, or even countries. Don't underestimate the impact of your surroundings. They affect your work and satisfaction.
  4. The Sacrifice of Success. Pursuing your passion may initially require financial sacrifices. When transitioning to self-employment, be ready for challenges. They include irregular hours, lack of benefits, and wearing many hats in your business. However, the potential to become your best self outweighs these short setbacks.

The Rewards of Alignment

When you align your work with your passions and preferred environment, you'll experience:

  • A true sense of worth
  • Genuine joy in your daily activities
  • Increased love for life

Remember, being productive isn't just about doing more. It's about feeling fulfilled in what you do.

Taking Action

I encourage you to reflect on your current situation. Ask yourself:

  • Am I truly doing what I love?
  • Do I enjoy where I'm doing it?
  • Do I feel a connection with my colleagues and company?

If the answer to these is no, it might be time for a change. You can choose your path and discover what you were put on this earth to do.

What's one small step you can take this week towards doing what you love, where you love to do it?

Remember, there is always time to find your true calling. I discovered mine at 50, just nine years ago. Your path to peak productivity is unique. It starts with aligning your passions with your work.

Want to ask me questions about decision-making (or anything productivity-related)? Click here to schedule a free 45-minute call with me (limit one per person).

See you next Saturday!


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