master your time: set boundaries, boost productivity

Issue #101 | September 14, 2024

Hey, Reader, it's Mark.

Ever feel like your workday is a constant game of whack-a-mole, with interruptions popping up at every turn?

You’re not alone.

Distractions are the arch-nemesis of productivity, but fear not!

This week, we’ll give you strategies to reclaim your time. They’ll help you set boundaries and boost your efficiency.

Let’s dive in!

The “Got a Minute?” Dilemma

We’ve all been there.

You’re in the zone, focused on an important task.

A colleague pops by with the dreaded question: “Got a minute?” Spoiler alert: It’s never just a minute.

The 5-Minute Defense Strategy

  1. If you don’t have time: “I don’t have five minutes now, but I have 15 minutes at 2 PM. Would that work?”
  2. If you do have time: Set a timer in front of them and stick to it.
  3. Give a one-minute warning to wrap up the conversation.
  4. Break eye contact when the time is up to signal the end of the interaction.

Remember: Be professional, firm, and friendly. It may feel awkward at first, but consistency is key.

Reclaim Your Inbox

Your inbox isn’t just a communication tool. It’s often hijacked as everyone’s personal to-do list for you. It’s time to take back control.

Email Boundary-Setting 101

  • Set specific times to check and respond to emails.
  • Use auto-responders to manage expectations.
  • Unsubscribe ruthlessly from unnecessary newsletters (except this one, of course!).

The Power of “No”

A psychiatrist client of mine worked from 5 AM to midnight. She trained her intern and everyone else’s too. By learning to say “no,” she reclaimed her life and left work at 6 PM.

Saying “No” Without Burning Bridges

  • Be clear and concise: “I’m not able to take on additional tasks right now.”
  • Offer alternatives: “I can’t do X, but I could help with Y next week.”
  • Remember: “A lack of planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on my part.”

Your Productivity Action Plan

  1. Identify your biggest time-waster. Is it drop-in visitors? Endless emails? Unnecessary meetings?
  2. Choose one strategy from this newsletter to implement immediately.
  3. Start small: Practice your new boundary-setting skills with low-stakes interactions first.
  4. Be consistent: New habits take time to form. Stick with it!

Food for Thought

Imagine you could reclaim just one hour of focused work time each day. Over a year, that’s 260 hours or nearly 11 full days! What would you accomplish with that time? A new project? Learning a new skill? Or perhaps, simply enjoying more time with loved ones?

Remember, taking control of your time isn’t selfish—it’s essential. By setting clear boundaries, you boost your productivity. You’re also teaching others to value your time (and theirs) more.

HR Professionals: Are productivity challenges holding your organization back? Join me, Mister Productivity, for a free 20-minute HR Productivity Discovery Call. I'll listen to your unique needs and challenges, offering insights to help streamline your HR processes and boost organizational efficiency. Click here to schedule your call and start the journey towards peak performance.

See you next Saturday!


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