6 hidden productivity killers you need to eliminate now

Issue #103 | September 28, 2024

Hey, Reader, it's Mark.

Are you feeling like you’re always busy but not making real progress?

You’re not alone.

Today, we will look at six sneaky distractions. They may be sabotaging your productivity without you realizing it.

Let’s unmask these productivity killers and get you back on track to achieving your goals!

Notification Overload

How many times does your phone ding, buzz, or light up in a day? Each of those notifications is a tiny productivity thief. It’s time for a notification cleanse:

  • Review all app notifications on your devices
  • Keep only essential alerts (e.g., calendar reminders, important messages)
  • Consider disabling social media and email notifications

Remember, even if you don’t check the notification, hearing it breaks your focus. Take control of your attention!

The Company You Keep

Your inner circle has a massive impact on your productivity. Ask yourself:

  • Are the people closest to you supporting your goals?
  • Do they encourage your growth or hold you back?

It may be time to rethink some relationships. Surround yourself with motivators, not detractors.

Your Work Environment

A cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind. Take a look around:

  • Is your workspace clean and organized?
  • How’s the temperature? Too hot, too cold, or just right?
  • What about noise levels?

Creating an environment conducive to focus can dramatically boost your productivity.

Time Management (or Lack Thereof)

Do you tell your time where to go, or wonder where it went? High performers always have a plan:

  • Schedule your tasks, even the small ones
  • Be proactive, not reactive with your time
  • Align your most important work with your peak energy hours
  • Remember: What gets scheduled gets done!

Technology: Friend or Foe?

Technology should be a tool, not your boss. Take charge:

  • Use “Do Not Disturb” mode during focus times
  • Consider occasionally turning off your phone completely
  • Be intentional about when and how you use technology

You’re in control – don’t let addictive design control you.

Mindset Matters

Your attitude can be your biggest asset or your worst enemy:

  • Start your day with a positive outlook
  • Ensure you’re doing work you love (or at least like)
  • Address any underlying issues causing dread or procrastination
  • A winning mindset is the foundation of productivity.

Food for Thought

If you could eliminate one productivity killer today, which would have the biggest impact, and why?

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See you next Saturday!


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